Now don't those look so yummy!! Well let me tell you they were so good. They are so so bad for you but oh so tasty. I found these over at Our Best Bites and let me tell you they did not disappoint!!! I made these as a main dish one Friday night for family movie night and we ate fresh veggies and fruit with them but I think they would be great along side your favorite soup or pasta dish!!
Cheesy Garlic Swirls
1 T. instant yeast
1 1/2 cup warm water
1 1/2 T. sugar
1 tsp salt
4-5 cups flour
3 T. vegetable oil
1 egg yolk
2 T. cold water
Combine yeast with one cup flour and set aside. Combine the water, sugar, salt, oil, and egg yolk(save egg white for later) in a bowl and mix until combined. Add 2 cups of flour and mix well. Add the yeast flour mixture and mix for 2 minutes or until well combined. Continue to add the reast of the flour until forms a soft dough that barely sticks to your fingers. Knead for 2-3 minutes until smooth. Place in an oiled bowl, cover and let rise 1 hour.
Garlic butter
1 stick butter, no substitutions
1 1/2 T. garlic bread seasoning
Mix together until well combined.
Mozzarella Cheese, diced pepperoni, ham or veggies of your choice
Garlic bread seasoning
1/2 cup parmesan cheese
2 tsp kosher salt
2 T. garlic powder~not salt
2 tsp. oregano
2 tsp basil
2 tsp parsley
Mix all together and store in a spice jar or ziploc bag in the fridge. Use to sprinkle on breadsticks or french bread as well.
After you bread has risen, take it out of the bowl and roll it out on a surface dusted with flour or sprayed with cooking spray. Roll into a rectangle that is about 18-20 inches by 6 inches. Smear the garlic butter over the dough. Then sprinkle with the cheese. The original recipe just used cheese but I thought adding diced pepperoni would be good so I sprinkled that on top of the cheese. I think it would be equally good with a few diced peppers or onions as well. Just make it like you would your favorite pizza just don't get too many toppings on there. Keep it simple. Then roll up the dough like you would when you make cinnamon rolls. Then use dental floss or a knife to cut into 12 equal slices. Place each slice in a muffin tin. Cover with a clean cloth and let raise while the oven is preheating to 350 degrees. When the oven is ready, bake for about 20 minutes. Keep a close eye on them because during the last ten minutes you may need to lay a piece of tin foil over the top of them so the cheese doesn't burn. I had too. Pull them out and eat them warm. Serve them with ranch dressing or marinara sauce!!
You must try these they are so yum especially if you are cheese and bread lover like me!!!
These hit EVER yummy chord on the scale!! Hot, cheesey, flavorful,fun, WOW!
Oh these sound like pure bliss..
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